Sunday, 30 November 2014

Top 15 Wins For School Kids Of The 90's

1.) The feeling of accomplishment when going up a reading level. #Boss

2.) When your teacher uses your work as an example.

3.) Getting your alien pregnant...did anyone actually manage it?

4.) You weren't cool unless you had at least 5 of these in your English book.
Covering a blank notebook page with the coolest way to make an S.

5.) Getting your YoYo to sleep was the bain of every 90's kids life, until the release of the X-brain. This single handedly revolutionised the YoYo game. I saved up forever to buy it! 9.99; a small fortune!

31 Little Victories That Made Every '90s Kid Feel Invincible

6.) What's the reason for wet play? Stupid question, for girls to make these obviously.

31 Little Victories That Made Every '90s Kid Feel Invincible

7.) When this rolled into the class there were hi-5's all around. However it always seemed to be The Never Ending Story..sigh.

 8.)You knew it was going to be a good day when you saw the dinner ladies handing this out.

9.) I'm sure I played this game more than most. I have tea time club to thank for satisfying my investigative and inquisitive mind. There was always one smart ass that would guess before asking any questions.

#TBT: Guess Who character reunion, and everyone’s looking great! 
[portraits by Lloyd Bishop]

10.) Started off with one of these cards, given as a gift (or stolen, depending who you speak to) and managed to trade myself into a huge collection. Proudest moment, selling Chansey for a tenner. Get in.

11.) Never quite got the point of these, but at one time you couldn't escape them, they were everywhere.

31 Little Victories That Made Every '90s Kid Feel Invincible

12.) Heads down thumbs up, I remember a lot of tempers flaring in this game, friends choosing friends didn't bode well with those on the wrong side of the inner circle.
31 Little Victories That Made Every '90s Kid Feel Invincible

13.) If anyone can remember the name of this game I will be incredibly impressed. What was with the creepy ass faces on the back of the pieces! Damn.

14.) I think this picture speaks for itself, we have all been there. Then having to see the rest of term out with broken shoes because your mum doesn't understand the importance of next goal wins. 

15.) When your name gets mentioned in a book.

Let me know if I've missed anything. 
Follow @sweetsandsalt on instagram and twitter.

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